Tag Archives: Global Warming

Carbon Emissions – the Whole Story

Al Gore calls it an Inconvenient Truth, but I would say the global warming, carbon emissions, cap and trade situation is a Complicated Truth. Any one of these topics would be hard to delve into in a single blog entry or even in several entries, but I will point you to this article which is a compelling look at the complexities of the issues – Bound to Burn by Peter W. Huber. If you are looking for a common sense, honest analysis of these difficult topics, here it is.

Mr. Huber explains the real truth, that China, India and other developing nations are not going to be convinced to cease the burning of fossil fuels and thus impede their rapid advancement out of poverty. Not even to “save the planet”. If Democrats persist in placing extreme regulatory limits on carbon emissions in this country the resultant job migration overseas will make us look back longingly to the “outsourcing” job migration of the last 10 years. I might add, that when cap and trade is coupled with the current administration’s plans to raise corporate tax rates, every employer in America that has the ability will have all the reason they need to take their operations and the associated jobs overseas.

Likewise, the $40 trillion in oil under the Middle East is coming out of the ground. If you think it isn’t, I beg you to explain to me how a few sheiks, who hate us to begin with, will be convinced to give away $40 trillion by not drilling that oil. Of course, that’s rhetorical because there is no way that will happen.

Simple logic tells us that 1 billion people in developed nations cutting their carbon emissions, while the other 5 billion people on this planet are increasing their emissions rampantly, is not a formula for solving this problem and will only put those people doing the cutting at a huge competitive disadvantage. Bottom line this is a much more complex issue than the politicians make it out to be, and certainly too complex for Henry Waxman  to cram comprehensive climate change legislation through Congress in less than 30 days.

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Do You Believe Your Own Theory or Not Al?

If Al Gore believes so strongly in his global warming theory (and make no mistake, it is nothing more than a theory!) then why are he and House Democrats afraid to openly debate the subject? After inviting Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Thatcher, to testify alongside the former Vice President, Democrats chickened out. When Lord Monckton’s flight from England landed in the U.S. this morning he was told he’d been scratched from the witness list. Gee guys, thanks for the notice!

It seems odd to this humble citizen that these progressive, open-minded, tolerant individuals in the majority would not want to hear an opposing view, of which there are many, before they begin re-writing the entire U.S. energy policy based on Gore’s imaginary science. Of course, as we’ve seen, they are only progressive, open-minded and tolerant when you agree with them. Just ask Miss California!

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The Dinosaurs Must Have Been Driving Hummers!

Now with a title like that you are probably thinking, “He has lost it this time”, but I promise, the marbles are still in there. A new study published in the journal Nature shows that the oceans rose as much as 3 meters in a matter of decades the last time the Earth was between ice ages. It goes on to predict the same fate could befall us in the coming years with devastating consequences to coastal areas.

So, call me crazy, but here is my question… Were the Dinosaurs driving too many Hummers? Did they have too many coal powered electric plants? Perhaps they weren’t recycling their plastic bottles? Maybe it was that they left lights on when they weren’t in the room or that their plasma television used too much electricity?

For those who stumbled upon this post and don’t understand sarcasm 101, let me spell it out for you. Al Gore and friends claim we are killing our planet by driving cars, heating homes, not recycling, etc. Funny thing though, it turns out this global warming thing has happened before. Now here’s the catch – human beings were not even on the planet! Think about that, let it really sink in; it happened without us! Like the Grinch said when he tried to steal Christmas, “It came, it came just the same!”

One hundred and twenty thousand years ago, the earth’s ice caps melted, and its oceans rose. This was followed by an ice age which ended with the most recent warming cycle which we are now living in. All of this happened without any influence from mankind. So the next time someone gives you a dirty look for throwing away a plastic bottle, just tell them you’re pretty sure T-Rex didn’t drive an H1.


Filed under Global Warming

Big Brother Is After Your TV Next!

In yet another sign that all levels of government in this country have come completely unhinged from their faculties, the state of California is considering banning the sale of televisions that use, in their humble estimation too much electricity. The result would be the elimination of most models over 40 inches. Talk about lacking Common Sense!

First, let’s talk some facts. According to the federal government’s own website the typical flat screen television uses a whopping 120 watts per hour. By contrast a household coffee maker can use as much as 1200 watts per hour. Yes, making the morning coffee and watching ten hours of television are roughly equivalent in their energy consumption! Apparently, the California Energy Commission hasn’t learned to read, or use Google, or both; because it took less than three minutes for me to learn this. I should be careful – they’ll be after my morning cup o’ joe next.

No less maddening is the obvious fact that this government action is utterly unenforceable. Do the geniuses on this commission not think that California residents know how to order the TV of their choice via the internet, or failing that to drive across state lines and make their purchase? Are they naive enough to not understand that enterprising individuals will drive to neighboring states, buy a dozen banned televisions and return to California to sell them? The end result will simply be further erosion of sales tax revenues for a state already in deep financial trouble.

Of course, this doesn’t even address the rampant over-governing of an action like this. Coming into American homes and telling people what appliances they can and can’t own. Where does this slippery slope lead? Will Americans be washing their dishes and clothes by hand in the name of global warming? Or maybe we shouldn’t wash them at all to conserve water!

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Whoops, where did all the hurricanes go?

Alright, this is starting to get on my nerves. I’m not a scientist and I don’t have the answers when it comes to Global Warming. Is it really happening? Isn’t it? These are questions for someone smarter than I. But, here’s what I do know, they are still questions and that is what’s driving me crazy.  There is still very real debate in the scientific community about the veracity of the theory.  So, why has the Main Stream Media (MSM) swallowed it hook line and sinker.  Alright, the MSM isn’t that bright, I know, but the evidence that supports the theory is being touted by the media and politicians while any evidence that brings the global warming theory into question is brushed aside so that most Americans never hear it.

Did you hear about the conference in Poland last December where 650 world renowned climatologists submitted their opinion that man-made global warming is a media generated myth without basis?  I bet you didn’t.

Do any of you remember this article from Time Magazine in 1974 – Another Ice Age? or this one from Newsweek a few months later The Cooling World?  That’s right, just 35 years ago these same geniuses in the MSM were convinced that we would all freeze to death, it was just a matter of time.

So, what set me off this time?  This week Florida State University released a study on cyclone activity around the world and yet again the science doesn’t support the noise coming from the MSM.  Oh, you remember after Katrina when the media was telling anyone who would listen that that tragedy was proof of global warming and that the warming of the earth would lead to dramatic increases in cyclonic activity?  Some days I thought Keith Olbermann might actually jump up from behind his desk and yell, “We’re all gonna die!” like the cartoon character he is.  Well, turns out cyclone activity has reached an ALL TIME LOW!  Yes, you read that right, an ALL  TIME  LOW!!!

Good news, right?  Yes, it is, but here’s the frustrating little twist…  the report goes on to gingerly tiptoe around global warming and states that this data doesn’t disprove the previous theories of global warming leading to increased cyclonic activity.  Now where’s the Common Sense in that?  Alright, I get that science never actually proves anything (or at least I remember being told something like that in Physics class), but 4 years ago the Anderson Coopers of the world were convinced Katrina was the beginning of the end.  Remember the fear-mongering about how it would only get worse, more hurricanes next year, bigger hurricanes more often and on and on?  Now it turns out that was ALL WRONG.  Not only did hurricane frequency and intensity not increase, the last 3 years have been three of the quietest years in recent memory. – Whoops. – But the Media will never report this story.  First, it makes them look like the bunch of know nothing, fear-mongering, blowhards they actually are.  Second, it runs contrary to their agenda of promoting the global warming theory.

In the end it doesn’t really matter if global warming is real or not.  They’ve decided it is and they’ve got all the microphones.  If we let them, they’ll tell us exactly what to believe.  So, America, stop listening to these moronic talking heads.  They are simply pretty people who got their job for that reason and that reason only.  They have no idea what they are talking about – they just read the teleprompter.  You can’t just sit back and listen to get your information without at least applying some critical thinking to what you’re hearing.  So, GET SOME SENSE and do some digging and reach your own conclusions.

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Filed under Global Warming