Tag Archives: Sonia Sotomayor

Sotomayor Thinks She Makes “Better” Decisions

Now that we have addressed White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ foolish assertion that opponents of the President’s nominee for the Supreme Court should be “exceedingly careful” about what they say; Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce you to your next Supreme Court Justice:

I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn’t lived that life. (emphasis added)

This is a direct quote from Judge Sotomayor as referenced in a NY Times article. This statement is wrought with problems. First, and most important to our system of government, any judge’s personal experiences or ethnicity are irrelevant. A judge and especially a Justice is tasked with enforcing the law, and when the law is unclear, interpreting the Constitution. Personal experiences are not applicable to this task in any way. Sotomayor’s comment furthers the notion that she believes the court to be a place where policy is made rather than laws interpreted.

Second, and no less crucial, the comment is wholly racist and would never be tolerated from a white male. This single comment if uttered by a white male about a minority would be grounds for immediate, unquestioned disqualification, and yet the left doesn’t even want it brought up. (Note to self: write future entry on the blatant double standard of the so called liberal progressive). Why is that? How do we expect to get to a place of true racial equality in this country by allowing racism to persist? Racism against whites is no better than racism by whites. On the contrary, this “reverse racism” is probably the single greatest remaining impediment to racially equality. Certainly racism on the U.S. Supreme Court can’t be good for America’s future.

No wonder Mr. Gibbs and the White House are trying to scare people away from examining this woman. They are afraid, and rightly so, that when her measure is taken she will be found wanting.

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No, I Will Not ‘Be Exceedingly Careful’

Robert Gibbs is the one who needs to “be exceedingly careful” with what he says. Press Secretaries are supposed to answer questions on behalf of the White House not give ultimatums to critics of White House policy, judicial appointments or anything else. His outrageous comment today is intimidation politics of the worst kind, and something that is becoming all too familiar in this White House and by Democrats in general over the last 20 years. When they don’t like what their opponent is saying (or might say) the strategy they employ is to make the opponent look like a radical or worse to marginalize their view point. Don’t believe me; Miss California was absolutely crucified for having the exact same view point as BARRACK OBAMA!

Now Mr. Gibbs advises those opposed to Judge Sotomayor’s appointment to “Be exceedingly careful”. We’re sorry Mr. Gibbs, but part of the process of being nominated for the cabinet, the federal bench and certainly for the Supreme Court is that you get grilled in every conceivable way. Sometimes that process isn’t pretty or politically correct, and if Gibbs and this White House don’t realize that, they are even less experienced than we thought.

These appointments are for life, and the 9 people on that bench literally hold the country’s future in their hands. If Judge Sotomayor isn’t up to that challenge then she had better do us all a favor and withdraw right now. If she is up to it, then Robert Gibbs should shut up, read the news, and let the political process run its course.

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Filed under Random Senselessness, White House