Tag Archives: Ronald Reagan

Did I Wake Up in Wonderland?

Stories from the last handful of days leave me so dumbfounded that I can only come to the conclusion that I must have woken up in Wonderland, or on another planet, or in an alternate universe. Something has to explain the lunacy of these news stories; it can’t be that we’re just this dumb as a nation. Can it?

NAACP Mourns Loss of KKK Member Robert Byrd – “…[Byrd] went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act…” Uh, no, NAACP, you better check the Congressional Record again. This racist Democrat filibustered the Civil Rights Act for 3 months in 1964 and voted against the Voting Rights Act in 1965.

70 Days Later, Obama Finally Accepts Foreign Help with Oil SpillHaving been offered assistance in the first week of the disaster by numerous countries, it took this imbecile TEN WEEKS to realize we might need some help on this one! You can’t make up that level of stupidity; you just can’t. This acceptance of assistance still doesn’t include the world’s largest oil skimmer from Taiwan. It sits in port in Louisiana because the EPA is afraid the water it puts back might still have some oil in it?!?!? Umm, oh never mind, that’s too ignorant for me to even comment on.

Venezuela Seizes U.S. Company’s Oil RigsRather than pay the $43 million they owe this American company, Hugo Chavez’s government is just taking their drilling rights and equipment, so far without compensation. The Obama administration is very upset about this abuse of American citizens and their financial interests – they’ve released a statement.

Academics Say Obama Better President Than Reagan – Forget that he’s only been on the job 18 months and has failed to accomplish anything, save ballooning the federal debt, or that he’s currently failing (heck, not even trying) to handle the largest ecological disaster this country has ever seen. Nope these nitwits are ready to declare him a top 15 President of all time. Now here’s the scary part – THESE PEOPLE TEACH!

Nancy Pelosi Says Unemployment Checks are Fastest Way to Create Jobs – “It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.” No, Nancy, it doesn’t, and anyone who’s taken 6th grade civics can explain why not to you so please ask!

Obama Says Borders Can’t Be Sealed“Our borders are just too vast for us to be able to solve the problem only with fences and border patrols. It won’t work.” Call me crazy, Mr. President, but I think we just might have been able to swing a fence for SEVEN HUNDRED EIGHTY SEVEN BILLION DOLLARS! In fact, I bet some Americans would have appreciated the jobs building the fence and there might even have been a few bucks left over.
Unfortunately, I am on earth, and all of this ignorance happened in a single week in June, 2010. The lame stream media ignored the real stories here, and the American people continued to bury their heads in the sand while their country is yanked out from underneath them. Can you imagine what will be in next week’s news?

Pelosi: Unemployment checks fastest way to create jobs

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